Chemicals released by cleaning or cooking can stick to walls, furnishings, and other surfaces, and airing out our home might not be as effective as we think it is. Instead of wafting out the air pollutants when we open windows, it might just simply stick to the different surfaces. You might want to consider installing a home air filter on this matter or avail indoor air quality solutions right away.
A study called Science Advances shows that the concentrations of 19 different common household contaminants remained largely the same even after airing the room for 30 minutes. The results represent troubling news for those who spent a lot of time in the house especially after cooking or cleaning since it appears to be far more difficult to shift the pollution than previously thought.
There were discoveries before where the air quality inside our house could be up to three times worse than that found on the streets outside because of the contaminants and chemicals released during the processes of cooking and cleaning. Unlike outdoor environments, there is nowhere for the pollutants to go inside so they end up accumulating in the atmosphere.
But there are ways to improve air quality: Source Control, Improved Ventilation, and Air Cleaners.
Source Control
One of the most effective ways to improve indoor air quality is to eliminate individual sources of pollution or to reduce their emissions. Sources like gas stoves can be adjusted to decrease the number of emissions. In some instances, source control is also a more cost-efficient approach to protecting indoor air quality than increasing ventilation because increasing ventilation can increase energy costs. The other way is installing a home air filter; cost-effective and convenient to use.
Improved Ventilation
Another approach to lowering the concentration of indoor air pollutants in the house is to increase the amount of outdoor air coming indoors. Most home heating and cooling systems like forced air heating systems do not mechanically bring fresh air into the house. Opening windows and doors increases the outdoor ventilation rate. Local bathroom or kitchen fans that exhaust outdoors remove contaminants directly from the room. The fans also increase the outdoor air ventilation rate. It is particularly important to take note of these as ventilation helps remove or dilute indoor airborne pollutants coming from indoor sources.
Advanced designs for new homes are starting to add a mechanical feature that brings outdoor air into the home through the HVAC system. Some of these designs include indoor air quality solutions.
Air Cleaners
The effectiveness of an air cleaner depends on how well it collects pollutants from indoor air and how much air it draws through the cleaning or filtering element. Another factor is the strength of the pollutant source.
Air quality is essential in your home or business. Tri-City Heating & Air Conditioning provides professional air quality systems to ensure that the air you breathe is pure. We provide quality air systems with state-of-the-art air filters and ultraviolet light arrangements, where bacteria and other air pollutants are trapped and killed before they ever reach you. Call us now.